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(1 edit) (+1)

Simple but challenging game! My highest score is about 30 seconds.

I have a couple of suggestions. For starters, I should be able to view my high score at the game over screen. Second, I think the enemies shouldn't start firing as soon as they spawn. Lastly, put a key / input pause in the game over screen so it doesn't end immediately. Most likely I am still pressing on my movement keys when the game over screen is shown so it ends immediately. 

Keep up the good work, dude!


Your video is ready and available on YouTube.

I remind, that your game can go to the next stage, and get a full review with analysis, so don't forget to subscribe to the channel.

Thank you for your review, sir!!! I appreciate it :D 


Hey. I played your game and recorded it on a video. If you want me to delete the video, let me know. Anyway, I enjoyed playing your game.


You can keep the video, dont worry about that thank you very much for making a vid about my game! :D 


I had fun :D